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Free Resume Template - Download Examples

Best Free Resume now for job application or profesional, downloadable in Pdf and Ms word format. part-2.

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Definition of Resume or CV

A short written description of your education, qualifications, and previous jobs which you send to an employer when you are trying to get a job.

Free Resume in PDF and WORD Format, Part-2

Resume contents include: Skills, Profile/Summary, Education, Work experience and Certification.

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DOWNLOAD: Sales-Resume-CV.Docx - Sales-Resume-CV.Pdf
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DOWNLOAD: Chemical-Engineer-Resume-CV.Docx - Chemical-Engineer-Resume-CV.Pdf
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DOWNLOAD: Programmer-Web-developer-Resume.Docx - Programmer-Web-developer-Resume.Pdf
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DOWNLOAD: Accountant-CV-Resume.Docx - Accountant-CV-Resume.Pdf
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DOWNLOAD: Marketing-Resume-CV.Docx - Marketing-Resume-CV.Pdf
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49. Beauty Advisor Resume CV

DOWNLOAD: Beauty-Advisor-Resume-CV.Docx - Beauty-Advisor-Resume-CV.Pdf
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50. Software Engineer Resume CV

DOWNLOAD: Software-Engineer-Resume-CV.Docx - Software-Engineer-Resume-CV.Pdf
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51. Medical Nurse Resume CV

DOWNLOAD: Medical-Nurse-Resume-CV.Docx - Medical-Nurse-Resume-CV.Pdf
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52. Designer Resume CV

DOWNLOAD: Designer-Resume-CV.Docx - Designer-Resume-CV.Pdf
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53. Research Assistant Resume

DOWNLOAD: Research-Assistant-Resume.Docx - Research-Assistant-Resume.Pdf
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DOWNLOAD: Wedding-Planner-Resume.Docx - Wedding-Planner-Resume.Pdf
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DOWNLOAD: Business-Analyst-Resume-CV.Docx - Business-Analyst-Resume-CV.Pdf
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How to Change Profile Photo CV or Resume in Ms Word

First, turn on "Enable Editing" in your Ms word document, when this happened. I'm using Microsoft Office 2010.

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There are two methods for change profile the photos. The first method is, right click on the photo area, select "Format Object".

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After that, select "Picture or Texture fill" and then "Insert from (File)".

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Second method is very easy. Right click on the photo area, select "Change Picture".

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May be helpful.

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